Bring the band and experience a setlist of amenities sure to please them all. From special room service menus just for children, to game rooms, organized family activities, and a unique games area, there’s nothing like a stay at the Hard Rock Hotel Cancun.
Players per room: Minimum 2, maximum 6.
60 minutes of gameplay.
45 USD per person.
Recommended minimum age: 7 years old.
Open every day from 1:00 PM to 9:00 PM.
Payment methods: Room charge, cash, bank transfer, PayPal. Reservations can also be made with the Vacation Planners department.
Warning: The game is not recommended for people suffering from epilepsy, photosensitivity, pregnant women, or individuals with a recent injury or fracture.*
Give the kids their own piece of paradise with the Hard Rock Roxity Kids Club™ . Here, endless entertainment awaits with tons of activities, games, crafts, and music. While the kids are off in the ultimate hangout place making friends, forming bands, and having the time of their lives, parents can relax knowing their little legends are in good hands.
Introducing the ultimate way to live out your fist-pumping guitar-shredding fantasy with expert instruction and accelerated stage training at the Music Lab of the Hard Rock Hotel Cancun.